Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Goodbye, little white honda

Goodbye, little white Honda. You treated me well, I'm sorry I didn't do the same. We had some good times together, you and I. Remember that time we drove to Rumford and you couldn't make it up any of the hills because there was so much snow on the road? We made it, though, and there was even more snow on the roads going home but you handled it just fine. Man you were good at getting back onto the road. Remember that time coming back from Farmington when it was raining so hard and your tires were so bald that we couldn't go faster than 35 mph? Remember all those trips to Clarkson? Tug Hill? Colby? Vermont? You've carried me many miles, and all of them safely.

I'm sorry I let your engine overheat so many times. Miraculously it still works, and you have no major mechanical flaws. I hope someone buys you and continues to love you, with perhaps better attention to details, like your leaking oil and coolant. I'm sorry I haven't fixed your exhaust system, but you didn't really want your exhaust going through those confining pipes, did you? I'm sure you'd be a lot happier if you could have a full tank of gas, too, but you're the one who decided to rust a hole in your tank. Maybe your next owner will replace your shocks and your broken windows, or fix that broken door handle. But I can't take the ringing ears after long trips anymore, or the lack of radio stations because you lost your antenna.

I hope you are happy in the rest of your life. I'm sorry I won't be around to pack you full of skis and bikes and intrepid friends to go on adventures, but I'm sure someone else will take full advantage of your large trunk and good gas mileage. Thanks for all the good times little Honda, you've treated me well.


Miriam said...


Just found your blog. So excited to have something to read at work to pass the time.

I am so sad to hear about the Honda. Probably a good thing thing for you to see it go, but I will miss it (or miss knowing it's not in your life...???)

I miss you more!

josh said...

while I only have 1 story relating to that car, it is one I am fond of. sad (well not really) to see it go.

Alex said...

oh you mean the one with four people, four bikes, four trainers, a set of rollers, all our racing shit, and nine wheels in the backseat next to you and Christian... and then I discovered the engine had zero quarts of oil in it. Yeah, that was a good trip.

josh said...

that'd be the one. i was fine with the trip until callie made me eat the bowl of cereal she made and decided she didn't want after 2 bites. the fact I had finished my sandwich (dinner) maybe 2 minutes beforehand didn't matter, because "i was too skinny anyways". and it was some weird health cereal....not my preferred sugary corn pops goodness.