I also had a pasty (pronounced: pass-tee), which is apparently yooper food of da gods. I was pleasantly surprised, although it could have done with less potatoes. Around Flint MI, we decided it was time for some dinner. Matt had one of those Tom-Tom GPS things, and so we asked him to find us a place to eat. He started listing names, and when he said "Thai House", Jess and I jumped on it. We followed that damn thing's directions, and ended up on a dirt road about two miles off the highway in a trailer park... I guess the Tom-Toms aren't perfect. Luckily, there was a cheap Chinese place around the corner, so we ordered "crab cheese" (crab rangoons) off of the "dinner blate" menu. A high quality establishment, for sure.
Fourteen hours in the car sounds like a lot, but it ended up not being so bad with three drivers and two ipods (mine only made it to Canada before the battery gave out). We got to Rochester by 3:30 am, and I finished the drive to Boston the following day. Overall, a great week! A HUGE thanks goes out to Janice for waxing all our skis and basically giving us the fastest boards out there. Life is so much more relaxing when you aren't doing your own skis or going to coaches' meetings.
ya making me miss Michgan a tiny bit...
those gumball blue cruisers...
if ya stick around till fat tuesday you can sample the tastiest treat of all...
Packzi (poonch key)
I was sad to miss seeing the headbands on sunday. glad you guys made it home.
I've got to say my primary draw to the U.P. is the massive amounts of snow they get in the winter (usually), but the pasty was pretty good too. I'm sure I'll visit that part of the country again some time.
We (or at least I) busted out the headbands for some of the individual races, too, but its not quite the same. I'm sorry your race didn't go quite as planned, but awesome job anyway!
Mmm "Crab Cheese", goes great with "Sink-Meat" I bet.
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