I'm starting to understand why there are so many runners across the US who are so obsessed with marathons. The training is purposeful, and you see the results. For many people this is probably the first time they've set a goal and are clear about the process steps to reach it. That's a totally addictive feeling, and probably the reason I keep ski racing as rabidly as I do. You gotta respect the process, even when it sucks, and you'll see the results.
Three weeks ago, I tripped over a cobblestone on an easy jog to work. I slammed my kneecap into the ground, and have given myself either a small fracture or a bad bone bruise. Not much to do except rest it and try the occasional cross training, but most activities that bend my leg are out.
Unclear right now if I can or should race at Quebec. My PT thinks it's doable, but "it'll probably suck." Nothing I can do about this, because my knee will just take as much time as it needs to complete the healing process.
And you gotta respect the process, even when it sucks.
Spending time working on my weaknesses. And entertaining 3-year-olds.
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