Saturday, July 25, 2009

London, again

Thursday afternoon we left Switzerland and came north to London, to see the Jospe clan, and do some touristing. Its funny, because when I come to this city its definitely not for tourist reasons, I want to see my family, eat delicious pastries from the little shop around the corner, and see more family. We had to see the sights, though, since Ed had never been to this city. The museums weren't too bad, and I did get time to go run in Hyde Park, which is all I really care about... such an uncultured American slob, me.

Anyway, tomorrow morning (Sunday) we're going back to Switzerland, since it was cheapest to just buy a round trip ticket to Geneva and separate tickets to London, and since we have 36 hours, we'll probably head towards Chamonix and do some walking around. No camera... pictures may be coming from Ed's iPhone at some point. Maybe.

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